Published on May 12th, 2014 | by thezooooo

Put your client first?

Pixar made this short movie as a respons to the financial crisis and how the banks put their clients first. Not. They came up with all kinds of difficult products, busy with Libor, busy with stockholders and mostly busy with themselves. Is there a change? Can we help them?

More and more we see initiatives by citizens, by enterpreneurs to finance in other way our business. Do it yourself banking. Oops, that’s a shock. And looking for client insights is one thing, but really showing up in a relationship demands vulnerability and a strong character and identity. Vulnerability is the birthplace of creativity and innovation, according the great research from Brené Brown. But that is difficult for many big corporates.

Are you in this kind of transformation, you can use this short movie (among a lot more ammunition, like us ;-). Wanna know more, just send us an email.

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