Published on september 29th, 2013 | by thezooooo

BBC: The secret of super brands – food

Altijd leuk als de BBC een serie maakt over branding. Ze hebben verschillende branches onder de loop genomen. Een soort ‘Keuringsdienst van Waren’, maar dan op z’n engels. Even voor zitten, 50 minuten. Op youtube vind je de andere afleveringen over technologie en fashion!

Alex Riley thinks he’s immune to brands. When it comes to fashion, technology and food brands he just goes for the cheapest and what works for him. He’s convinced he’s not seduced by the advertising, celebrity endorsements and hype which surrounds the big global brands. So how did that pair of Adidas trainers get in his wardrobe? And how did that can of Heinz Baked Beans make it into his shopping trolley? And why does he have a Nokia mobile phone in his pocket rather than any other make?
With the help of marketeers, brain scientists and exclusive access to the world of the superbrands Alex sets out to find out why we buy them, trust them, even idolise them. Programme created by the BBC

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